DISCLAIMER: Some of the articles may have controversial topics, like transphobia and racism ammong other things. So please exit this page if you ever feel offended, because I do not & will never pamper snowflakes. Plus, because of the nature of these pages I do not know if I will get banned from Neocities, so if that happens, you may never know where else you could find my site raw and unmoderated. Sorry about that guys


This is basically just yet another attempt at making a blog programmatically (I think I tried to do this 4 times?), since I was thinking about doing it in a WYSIWYG way but I decided to scratch the idea because I figured out that it would break a lot of things

No matter how hard you'll try to convince me I will refuse to use any third-party blogging sites, since they tend to have restrictive policies on expressive and more rantatious speech (I don't even know if that's a real word)

Some of them are just simply way too modern for my tastes, and as a result they never really fit with the somewhat nostalgic but lightweight nature of this site


© 2020- RoozyDB/RoozerXC