WARNING: Because this file is unusually huge (>70 MB), opening this file in regular Notepad or using it as Windows' HOSTS file will probably lag and lock up your system. Therefore if you want to view the contents of this file, you can do so using your browser or Notepad++. This also aggressively blocks Meta/Facebook/Instagram/TikTok/WhatsApp trackers, and may cause things to break if you are using those services.
Direct link: https://roozerxc.neocities.org/hosts/AcrylicHosts.txt
To install my custom HOSTS file on your machine, first remove your own HOSTS file in the %SYSTEMROOT%\System32\drivers\etc and %SYSTEMROOT%\SysWOW64\drivers\etc paths. Remove any or all backups of the HOSTS file if they already exist.
To fix high CPU spikes, you must run the PowerShell script by copying the code below, and saving it as a ps1 file.
#Requires -RunAsAdministrator
$svcPid = Get-WMIObject Win32_service | where Started -eq "True" | where name -eq "DnsCache" | select ProcessId
$process = Get-Process -Id $svcPid.ProcessId
$process.ProcessorAffinity = 8
Then navigate to the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Dnscache key in regedit (by pressing Win + R, and typing regedit in the Run box). Then you set the 32-bit DWORD value of Start to 3 in Hexadecimal.
This will make the DnsCache service only start manually whenever a program or other service needs to invoke DNS registrations and lookups. Also note that the cache should be cleared regularly and manually to ensure a clean slate.
Then install the Acrylic DNS Proxy, and in it edit the AcrylicHosts.txt file using Notepad++.
After this, set your network adapter's primary IPv4 DNS address to and IPv6 DNS address to ::1, and restart the proxy service.
Acrylic DNS Proxy works all the way from Windows 2000 to Windows 11, so any machine; old or new, will work with it just fine. You can download the program from their official page, along with the full Borland Delphi source code and the portable version: https://mayakron.altervista.org/support/acrylic/Home.htm
Credits and their websites are found in the HOSTS file:
© 2020- RoozyDB/RoozerXC